After each sale of an The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT occurs on the OnlyTrust marketplace platform, OnlyTrust has been authorized by The Wall Street Bitcoin creator to maintain a pool containing only Bitcoin; 65% of sales will be used to not only build The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFTs value, but also build a pool, exclusively of Bitcoin in which anyone who owns a The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT can go to the OnlyTrust marketplace and exchange their The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT for the amount allocated per Crypto-NFT based on the amount of Bitcoin located in the exchange pool and the number of The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFTs in circulation.

Remember, the creator is 100% backing Bitcoin and Bitcoin’s future; the exchange pool value increases and decreases along with the market of the original Bitcoin. Your The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT will be deposited into your meta mask wallet upon purchasing at the OnlyTrust marketplace platform. And upon exchanging the Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT at the OnlyTrust marketplace platform either the original Bitcoin or wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) will be deposited equal to the amount drawn on; since it’s a meta mask wallet with the current exchange rate for the Crypto-NFTs.  

Since The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT is minted on the polygon network the wallet containing the NFT won’t support sending Bitcoin to it, therefore we are using wrapped Bitcoin which is supported by the Polygon network and can be transferred to the same wallet address from which the Crypto-NFT was exchanged. The exchange pool is used for a secondary backup of The Wall Street Bitcoin’s stop loss feature. The purpose is to mitigate each consumer’s risk when purchasing a The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT. You now have two backups to mitigate your risk of total losses. 

The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT and the stop loss price of The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT are both back-ups when purchasing your Crypto-NFT which is designed to prevent total losses; no other cryptocurrency or NFT on the market today focuses on loss mitigation. We slowly built a world class asset, The Wall Street Bitcoin Crypto-NFT which is backed by another world class asset, the original Bitcoin. Additional information will be available after Initial NFT offering (INO) is complete.